1st Yeovil Spiritualist Church

Monmouth Hall, Monmouth Road, Yeovil, Somerset.
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Spiritual Healing

The practice of Spiritual Healing has been in existence for thousands of years. It is a completely natural way to bring about a balance of mind, body and spirit.

The physical world contains a life-force energy, known since ancient times to Hindu philosophers as Prana, and to the Chinese spiritual masters as Chi. It is in the food that we eat and the very air that we breathe. It is all around us, and usually we absorb all that we need for daily living.

But sometimes, through worry, stress or negative thought patterns, we put up barriers within the body, to the absorption of this universal life-force energy, and become out of harmony, not-at-ease, or dis-eased.

Healers are dedicated to easing the suffering of mankind. Very often, they will have been through great traumas in their own lives, and this makes them very understanding of the trials and tribulations the patient may be experiencing.

They are guided by traditional wisdom that sees illness as a disorder of the Whole Person, involving not only the patient's body, but also the mind, the self-image, and their relationship to The Infinite, or God.

Healers are able to channel subtle energy to the person who requests healing so that the stresses and tensions of everyday life can be soothed away, allowing a free-flow of energy to the areas of the body starved of this vital sustenance.

The body's own healing mechanisms are then stimulated into action. The body can be encouraged to experience harmony when the mind knows peace and the spirit becomes One with all of life.

Spiritual Healing is not offered as an alternative to orthodox medicine, but is complementary to it. It can be used safely in conjunction with any advice or treatment prescribed by the doctor, which should always be followed, or any complementary therapy.

The 1st Yeovil Spiritualist Church is a Training Centre for the Healer Practitioner Association International (H.P.A.I.). Full members of this association are practicing Spiritual Healers whose credentials have been rigorously checked.

Probationer Members are undergoing development and training in practice over a one year period and are supervised at all times by qualified Healers and Trainers. They undergo continuous assessment during this time.

All members of the H.P.A.I. are bound by a strict Code of Conduct. Confidentiality and respectful conduct are mandatory.

The 1st Yeovil Spiritualist Church also offers Absent, or Distant Healing, which works just as effectively as Contact Healing. Distance makes no difference. You are invited to provide names for our Absent Healing Book, and if you wish, you may link-in with us at 6.45 on Sunday evenings.

Regrettably, we are unable to accept new probationer healers at this time.

For further details click the Email button below.


We, at the 1st Yeovil Spiritualist Church,
look forward to offering you a warm welcome very soon.

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